Wednesday, 29 June 2011

welcome to young audrey

I have decided to start young audrey for a whole bunch of reasons....

1. I spend a lot of time reading blogs that provide inspiration to all aspects of my life from design, printmaking, craft, kids and more... so it felt like a natural progression to blog some thoughts of my own.

2. We're about to renovate our third home and my gorgeous friend Sarah in Jakarta has prodded and prodded me to document the process in a blog. So here it is... my experiences, successes, disasters and all the many challenges, headaches and heartaches ahead. Thank you Sar for the inspiration.

3. I do crafty stuff, inspired by other blogs, my creative daughters and the world around me... so I thought I'd share a few here.

4. I also sell my artworks online so I can give you some background on them here.

Hope you enjoy.